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Thoughts & Inspiration


January 21, 2018

We had walked about three miles from where we were staying in a little village in Chitwan Nepal, very close to the border of India. Our team that day was Deepak (our guide and translator), Nick, Luke, Blake, and myself. The family we were visiting had three girls ages 12 to 15, the mom was there and her husband came towards the end of our conversation. Here’s a window into our afternoon visiting this family…

The thatched roof home was beautiful and the family sat willing to hangout and chat with us. We asked questions about their life here. The mother was telling us how the g*vt doesn’t want their people group here. That about 15 years ago the m*litary came in destroying homes with fire and elephants- the family stayed through those hard times and more hardship.

Nick shared the Gospel with the family and the oldest girl accepted Christ! Luke prayed with her as Deepak translated. Then we each got a chance to encourage her. I encouraged her to find a lady mentor at the church and that His Peace is with her. That His Holy Spirit will never leave her because He has made His home in her. And that Jesus is going through all the ups and downs of life with her encouraging her to talk with Jesus about everything- that He likes to hear her voice.

Just then the patriarch of the family came home. We learned that he had previously been a witch doctor then had accepted Christ years ago. Shortly after accepting Christ he was very strong in his faith but became sick with malaria. He received prayer from lots of pastors. Each time he received prayer he would faint, and he didn’t get better. At the same time, his wife got sick with malaria and she eventually went to the hospital, getting better there. During this time no one took care of their children, not even friends from their church, for over 3 weeks. He eventually went to a witch doctor and became better over the course of 35 days. Through the ordeal he lost his faith in Christ and is now practicing witchcraft under a guru. 

Nick encouraged him and afterward he said he was 50/50 about wanting to follow Christ. I personally believe Christ is still in his heart and He will finish the good work He started. His story also sounds very similar to the man we met two days ago who is now filled with the joy of the Lord and had that dream. I wouldn’t be surprised if they met someday.

January 26, 2018

It was our last full day of ministry in our little village. A team went to talk with the witch doctor/former Christian guy we met five days ago. I didn’t go, I wanted to give them space to ‘go for it’. This is what they said happened: They chatted for a bit and the man shared his story with them. Davy shared from Job, then Will shared about the Prodigal Son from Luke 15. Then the man and Deepak chatted for a bit. Then he wanted to rededicate his life to the Lord! So, he and his wife both rededicated their lives to the Lord! Davy prayed with them as Deepak translated. Then they were able to encouraged them and came back. What’s also amazing is that this man has a large influence in his community, so be praying for multiplication.

It’s funny what comes to mind when we think of a witch doctor- the reality can be much different. A witch doctor is a name for a person who has a particular profession, but they are a person made in the image of God just like all of us, you and me. So, my encouragement for us is to think less about what a person does or is labelled as- prostitute, drunk, religious, basic, atheist, muslim, you name it (‘good’ or ‘bad’). – and realize that they are a person loved by God and we ought to love them as ourselves.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles.” 1 Timothy 2:1-7

More stories to come, stay tuned!
